K, this is a photo assignment, if u dont care much for it then leave thanks.
I hope your all familiar with the canadian photographer Edward Burtynsky. if ur not, google his name.
i would like some critique. i am have copy his work for a photo assignment. hes like my "mentor"
well heres the pic (please blow it up, it looks 100x better bigger)
Its an oil refinery near my house.
heres his photo
That is a ship lock in china.
this is my intro for his like style... you dont have to read it but it might help.
Edward burtynsky is an Enviornmentalist. He uses photography to show the problem with the world. He takes photos of the worst of this world and makes it look like a beautiful image. But when you look past the beauty of the photo, you realise what is going on, why for example does the ocean look sparkling, its because it is polluted with oil (from the BP oil spill) He tricks us, he makes us think that when we see something beautiful, it actually is, but we have to look past that, we just have to look at something for what it is. In his case its a horrible thing, its all the pollution and how we are ruining our world. He is tricking us, showing us something horrible and disguising it as beauty.
Does my photo work with his theme? is it a good photo?
If i get any help, THANKYOU!
Sparknotes: does the 1st pic match the 2nd? is it a good representation of the 2nd?