Story time:
Tolo's this weekend, and of course im not going. But i shall be having the after party. My parents are down with this (or at least at first they were), everyone drinking and stuff, smoking out back, as long as we werent to loud and they were allowed to "check up" like once an hour.
I had to fill out some conditions, regarding controlling kids, driking and driving (everyones spending the night if ya wanna know) not being to loud and how to handle the conversation with their best friends, and also mines parents, when they ask what the plan is (there not down with teenage drinking)
So i had everything figured out except the parents, which was just freestlye basically. Then they rndomly changed their minds, and said we cant drink here. Fuckin gay. They are also advocating drinking on a party bus, which is stupid because however low the odds are, if we get pulled over thats a M.I.P and all that stuff for all of us who will all be applying for college next year. Not good at all. So through many talks they've stood there ground, and while not being 100% opposed, they havent said yes.
The point of this thread is my new plan. I've prepared abolut a 10 minute powerpoint presentation, complete with a friend providing imput over the phone. It has all the pluses and minuses of party here vs. the bus and also a plan for my friends parents. I'll be presenting it in about an hour or two and needless to say im pretty nervous. does anyone have advice or suggestions? also has anyone done shit like this?
SPARK NOTES: Im having a party and it went from parent consent to drink to not allowed (here atleast) I made a badass presentation as to why it should still be a party party, im presenting in an hour and i could use some advice or somthing. and whats your take nd shit. Kthxbi