I had this interesting Omegle conversation that I'd like to share.
It's funny cause I smoke but I have this inspiration to stop and im high right meow.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: have you ever been high?
Stranger: yes many times
You: finally
Stranger: maybe more times then not
You: tired all of these dumb kids that think weed is the devil haha
You: toke up!
Stranger: i quit
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: but i smoked daily for over ten years
You: sall good
You: wow, hardcore
Stranger: yeah i woke up with a bong in my hand
Stranger: and smoked before bed all day
Stranger: never even missed a day
You: damn
Stranger: complete waste of my life
You: yea id have to agree
You: thats why i dont smoke that much :)
Stranger: yeah i had a problem i think
Stranger: i havnt smoked for like 3 years and i still feel like i wanna smoke
You: im probably not helping haha
Stranger: thought about smoking weed today infact
Stranger: nah i wont smoke again prolly
You: thats good
You: 10 years is enough, you know what its like
You: ill bet that because you did it so much, for so long, its sort of engrained into your mind
You: so you think about it still a bit
Stranger: daily lol
Stranger: i smoked more then 10 years
Stranger: i started when i was 13
Stranger: and smoked till i was like 27
You: haha wow
Stranger: yeah what a waste
You: thats like your entire prime
Stranger: yep i mean you can still be ok when puffing
Stranger: but i bet id be better if i hadnt
You: yea, it probably wouldnt have gone by so fast haha
Stranger: haha yeah i guess so
Stranger: but its a blur and i forget my keys alot
You: that tokke killed me
You: jeez man
Stranger: how often do you smoke?
You: 2 times a week
Stranger: how long have you smoked?
You: uhmm over a year
You: maybe 1.5
Stranger: how old are you
You: 17
Stranger: you should stop
Stranger: smoking when your young does damage
You: like what
Stranger: its ok to smoke when your older
Stranger: i dunno google it
Stranger: it fucks with your head
You: only if you have a pre disposition for the fucking up
You: other than that thc is harmless
Stranger: no. Smoking weed when your young does damage to your b rain
Stranger: your way more likely to be depressed and have problems
You: i already have my life hobby and i love my life
You: so i doubt that
Stranger: yeah i dont think your smoking crack
Stranger: but pot does NOT help anything
You: i know that
You: its just fun
Stranger: so if you smoke weed your fine. But if you dont puff your that much better
Stranger: thus your doing damage.
You: i use a bong
You: glass
Stranger: thats good
Stranger: Ah i wish i was 17 again and i could tell myself not to do drugs
Stranger: my life would be so much better off
You: do you have a good job?
Stranger: neg
You: where do you work
Stranger: circle k
Stranger: im really good at music tho
Stranger: so im fucked in getting a job i love
You: damn man
Stranger: i have a pretty girlfriend my life is good. But if drugs were not in my youth it would be so much better
You: gotcha
You: i know what you mean
Stranger: i doubt it
Stranger: your fucking up. You think its casual and blah blah i go to school....
Stranger: your not gonna get addicted its just weed....but it fucks up your brain at 17
Stranger: wait till your 21 and your shit isnt still growing
Stranger: you need your chemicals in your brain to be even and secure at 17 not all stoned
Stranger: not to mention it doesnt make you smarter
Stranger: i watched people at 17 start smoking and later die from drugs
You: how
Stranger: one died from herion
Stranger: one died from cocain and herion
Stranger: one of my friends just got of oxycotin he robbed a pharmacy he was a casual user at 17
Stranger: its not like oh your gonna go smoke crack or die
Stranger: at age 17 you need mental stability and pot wont provide that
Stranger: your growing
Stranger: and life is short
Stranger: its like growing a plant and pouring the wrong shit on it
Stranger: it maybe will grow but not what it would had it been fed correctly
Stranger: meh you wont listen your prolly laughing
You: no i get you man
You: just had a huge epiphany
Stranger: pot is bad
Stranger: your ripped because your head is all fucked up on some plant
Stranger: who cares if hippys say OH its great
Stranger: kids should not smoke pot
Stranger: they need to grow
Stranger: the brain is fragile and very complex at your age
Stranger: your not FUCKED and never gonna recover
Stranger: but you need to be sober to grow correctly
Stranger: not to mention since i stopped puffing
Stranger: i can talk to people better
Stranger: i can look them in the eyes
Stranger: i can think clearly
Stranger: hit on girls better
Stranger: make better music
Stranger: i have less anxiety
Stranger: i feel more secure in who i am.
Stranger: You know what made me stop....
You: thats cause your 27
You: what made you stop?
Stranger: because deep down inside my heart i knew i was judgen myself for smoking weed
Stranger: i crossed that line of drug use at a early age
Stranger: im not 27 im 29
Stranger: your life is so fucking awesome if you stop and accept that deep down your personal choices (the bad ones) will affect you in the back of your mind
Stranger: life is short dont judge yourself for bad choices and love life
Stranger: life is good and the more good choices you make I PROMISE you it will get only better
Stranger: sure getting high is fun but deep down YOU KNOW.
Stranger: from 26 to 29 my life has trippled in coolness because i stopped puffing
Stranger: had i stopped at 17
Stranger: id be unstopable
You: even 2 times a week is that bad?
Stranger: do you think its bad?
Stranger: you know the answer
Stranger: you need a sharp mind
Stranger: to climb to the top
Stranger: i love potheads they are good people
Stranger: but had they not smoked they would be better
You: i dont like the tired looking eyes
Stranger: its there soul it deadens your soul
Stranger: i swear to god it does
Stranger: 2 times a week your not doomed
Stranger: but your young stop now
Stranger: its easy just dont
Stranger: i have to go
Stranger: stuff to do
Stranger: ....think about it sorry if i sound cheesy
You: k nice talking to ya man. lots to think about
You: im saving this convo
Stranger: every choice you make in the back of your mind has a effect on your inner energy
Stranger: make good choices and your energy is good
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
cool story