Park is good. First two features are a 20 ft downbox and a 30 ft down tube. Both are super fun. After the two features you have a useless tire tap thing.
After the tire tap comes a 15-20 ft downrail. This thing could be really fun but it was sticky today.
Last two features are a flat butter box and a ride on down box. Both have pretty bad landings.
The big park is looking awesome.
From what I can tell the top part will have two lines.
First will be the huge up down box followed by a cool looking log cannon type thing. Second line will be two down rails (single barrel and wide bar) which brings you into a BIG step down.
The next feature is a nice looking step over. The jump will be followed by a plethora of rails and boxes including a plexi-glass spine. I can only guess the rest but the second jump looks cool and there might be a hip at the bottom.