Replying to Re: Fuck the herd..please read
This was originally intended to be an addition to the original thread by SkiPimp, but I think I went on long enough for it to be its own and I think it's worth a read anyways.
I think Ski Pimp's post is intended for the type of people who's entire wardrobe is made up of Abercrombie, shit like that. People don't need to spend $35 on a t-shirt that 10 other people at your school already have, and they buy it simply because Abercrombie is the cool thing to wear. People who think they're too good for generic things that accomplish the exact same thing as their expensive and overpriced counterparts. People who need a $4 latte' every morning (or bi-daily for some). People who think they need text messaging on their cell phone. People who's lives solely revolve around materialism. Ski pimp is right, there is so much more to life than that. I'm not judgmental towards people who do, but I feel so bad for those who will go to college to get a degree in order to obtain a job they will despise for 40+ years that has no real benefit on anyone's life (hasn't anyone seen office space?) simply so they can eventually afford to buy an Escalade, maybe a Porsche, and a ginormous house for their family of 3. Those of you in college or planning on going, really think about that when you're deciding what you want to major in... what is it that you want out of life? What's important to you? What exactly will you be working for during the next 40 years? Is it meaningful? I mean if aquiring as many possessions and toys is seriously what brings you the most satisfaction in life, terrific for you. But I assure you will eventually feel unfulfilled. All of that is temporary. Sure it brings satisfaction, but you will eventually want more..There will always be something missing..thats the way it works, you'll get something and a couple days later its obselete (sp?)..I am currently going for a degree in education, fully aware that teachers salaries are rather low, but 100% content with the fact that I'll be doing something I consider worthwhile. I'm perfectly fine with driving a used car. I wouldnt mind living in a 1 story house if I had a small family. Just really think about what you live your life for guys, all i ask is to consider whats important to you, what it is you work for. In my opinion, you are missing out if you let your life revolve around temporary materialistic satisfaction. Live and work for whats important to you.
Todd! Are you not aware that I get farty and bloated with a foamy latte'?- Mr. Mugatu
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