Ok so today at school some of my friends were called down to the office. originally i didnt think any of it cause most of the r idiots and do some pretty stupid stuff. Later on in the day after i got home i got a phone call from my mom ( a teacher at the same school) saying that she got called into the office about a parent calling in with a list of 9 names saying that they smoked weed and legal shit too. she told me i was included on this list. apprently the parent said that we were smoking pot during our senior privlages (we get out a period early) and then later going to sport pracices high. now i perosnally have never gone to a game or practice when i was high cause i would just get burnt out and suck after that. I started making phone calls and found out that the school was calling the kids parents in and having a meeting with the parents, kid, addministartion, nurse, and police officer at the school. now my question is y the fuck does the parent care what we do on our own time and how the fuck do they know?!!!! also y the school has to get involved with stuff that has nothign to do with them. we didnt smoke on school grounds and they have no evidence that we even did it.
/end rant.
does anyone else think this is abs rediculous? and that the school should have nothing to do with this?