So, I got out skiing yesterday for my first time of the season with a friend who had never skied before. Being our crappy little midwest hill has only 2 runs open so far, there was no bunny hill yet- just an icy intermediate run with a chairlift. With no way to teach him the basics on the bunny hill, I had to take him on the lift and pretty much teach him as we went. First half of the run went great. He could traverse the hill and control himself a bit, but towards the second half he got caught pointing straight down the fall line and hauled to the bottom where he took an epic spill and completely yard-saled.
This got me thinking; if watching a POV of a good skier with a GoPro or whatever is fun to watch, how about putting one on a complete beginner? Has anybody done this? It sounds hilarious, and I wanna see how it would turn out. I have another buddy that has never skied who I am gonna teach soon and he is willing to do it. We are gonna go straight up the lift, skip all the beginner stuff, run the camera, and let him point it. Hopefully that will be early next week. I want to see if other NSers have done this. If you have a GoPro and an a friend with no skiing experience, do it!
Sorry this is so wordy, I'm bored and caffeinated at work. +K for epic newbie POVs