For those interested the method described by the photographer was in some sense, this. You strive to find a subject, something profoundly interesting, set the exposure and just wait. The inner photographer in yourself will know when the shot is right. It's a lot of waiting. Waiting for everything to come into place. That flag to wave in the right direction, that pedestrian to look just the right way, the light to fall on the subject perfectly
. It was a very "chi" method if you will, but also very unsuccessful if you're subject isn't interesting.
The guys name was Sam Abell.
This is some of the work he showed.
Ex. the first image was a collection of pears (obviously). He literally sat in his hotel room in Russia, taking an image of those ever hour or two. He was looking at, The pedestrians (going to work and such), the light, location of the curtain, the crop on the image, how many pears he wanted showing. The list actually goes on.
if this is too vague just say so. i'll see if i can remember anything else he said