OMG! okay, this was really funny today and i wanted to share it: so this morning, im like, 'hey mom, want to go to starbucks before i go to school?' shes like, well we'll see what time it is in the car (mines in the shop. i usually go every morn, so i just thought i would ask.). and thats fine. so we get in the car, and i have to be there in like 15 min, but shes kinda sketch about it. 'i dont know kelly, you do this all the time (she hasnt given me a ride anywhere in like 6 months) and i need to bring your brother somewhere. god. kelly, jesus.' and thats that. I DID NOT SAY ONE WORD TO HER. then we get farther. 'Fine kelly. you ALWAYS do this, and I ALWAYS give in. ugh, FINE!' so she keeps driving, im still not talking, and she looks out my window. but i think she is looking at me because in my peripheral vision, its hard to tell. so i look back. 'Kelly, god, i cant even look out the window without you taking it the wrong way. i risk this every time. YOURE SO DIFFICULT!'
do your parents ever do stupid shit like this? the only words i spoke to her were, 'can we go to starbucks this morning?' lol, shes a fucking psycho.
I dont want a large Farva!