looking to get some money for the upcoming season for a pass, so im selling a couple things laying around i just really dont need.
**MAKE OFFERS IN THE THREAD** i will only respond to questions by pm, and i will check this regularly, prices are unshipped
First up:
Custom Tall purple hoodie, made by me from scratch, measures 33.5 inches from shoulder to bottom, super comfortable, never been skiied in. starting at 30
Next up is a G-suit bandana, fairly used but isnt pilling or flaking or anything: highest offer gets it
Third is an antifreeze crowbar strap 9/10 for pilling on one side, other than that perfect shape, no marks or rips: highest offer gets it
Last is a Bonfire Radiant jacket from a couple seasons back, just dont wear it anymore, one of the best jackets ive had after orage and oakley gear..size medium.. starting at 35