Well, dear granny Olga, why don't we start developing this game based on Flash or other free and open-source software. Then, we can release this without any need for gaining profit, but to enlighten people of the art of trolling, troll physics while simultaneously teaching how physics actually work, creating an enjoyable and relatable teaching tool of modern science and expand on the possibilities of our human intellect.
What if we could actually jump up and down, thus travelling to China without any monetary exchange and at the same time completing a very good cardio workout. We could then "trolololo" at this possibility unfolds as a game in front of our eyes, and finally, be taught why this actually doesn't work due to laws of known modern physics, and what we could do to further our scientific research to one day be able to complete tasks similar to Troll Physics and go from "Problem?" to "No problem, and it's free for all!"