So snow day today, theres a footbrisge about 15-30 feet off the road. we were havin fun throwing snow balls (light powdery ones, explode on impact, not icey AT ALL) at cars as they drove by. Some bitch gets out and yells at us, threatining to call the cops. We say go ahead, 20$ fine, max, and just fuck with her for a bit (funnyest comment Her: you dont know how scary it is to drive, Jon: actually i do, im in the NASCAR) eventually we leave, fun buzzkilled.
My question to you is iif the cops actually came would they have reasonable ground to do anything, and what would they be (keeping in mind we would have been very respectful, explained we were not throwing them at people, and most people drove slow and waved at us, basically making them an easyier target.) would we have been fined or what?
spark notes: whats the punishment for thowing lightly packed snowballs at cars if someone calls the cops on you?