Replying to Taxes and Unions........Rant
Today my friend got a job working at our town. All she does is work as a switch board operator and transfers peoples phone calls when they call in. She makes $27 an hour, plus awesome benefits/pension, and in a union environment. The public sector gravy train in Canada is right the fuck out of control, and only Denzel can stop it. 55k to answer a phone? W…T…........…F?! I did some research and this is what I found out...
We have a top income tax rate of 45%. With our remaining 55% the almighty government lets us keep, we are taxed no matter what we do with it. If we chose to spend our money, we’re faced with a 13% sales tax.
The MPC in Canada is probably about $10 000 + 90%. So if we chose to save our money (probably about 10%), we’re faced with a 45% tax on all interest gained. If we choose to invest our money, and make a smart investment, we have a 45% dividend tax rate. If we chose to invest in capital (gold, housing, etc), we also face a 45% tax on income. If we decide to put our money up or ass or hide it under our bed, the government prints more money and its value goes down.
If we would like to own a home, we pay THOUSANDS of dollars a year in property tax, for 911, welfare etc. (This is not a rant about welfare, 70% of the cost of welfare goes to the gravy train and juicy government employee benefits). After all the taxes are done with, we pay for a huge variety of licensing fees, etc, other government hidden costs. We give well over 2/3rd of our money to the government, and we still have a shit ass military, deficits, etc. PLUS, when we die, we get taxed again. (inb4 American’s say its because of health care, it isn’t, you guys pay more for it than we do, it’s the bureaucracy of government). I’m not saying endZ da Guverments, I’m saying right now its retarded how big it is and how big it has gotten over the passed few decades.
Recently our provincial/state government decided to freeze public sector wages for a year to help battle the deficit. This included the support staff (admin people) at my university. The unions are loosing there fucking MINDS over this wage freeze, crying poor. Now my school and a bunch of others are going on strike, over a measly freeze in wages for a year, when almost everyone in the private sector has taken a big hit these passed 2 years (way less than the states, but still a decent recession).
It reminded me of this, Chris Christie pwning No0bz:
Also, our mail people in town still go door to door, like it’s the 1950’s. Its is a BILLION, possibly trillion or quadrillion (I did the math) times more efficient to put mailboxes on the end of every street with a key, like every other fucking town in Canada. But the unions won’t let it happen because their will be job cuts. They’ve threatened to strike if we try and make the system more efficient than it is. Heaven forbid we save some fucking tax money instead of blindly flushing it down the toilet. The moral of the story is Canada is a lost cause, if the trend doesn’t change we will soon we will be giving over 75% of our money to government. But America, please don’t let your country be over taxed and over run by government. When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads. Peace.
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