My other thread seemed to gather quite a bit of interest, so I though I'd make one for people to post war stories. Although I'm a bit of a pacifist-peace-loving-hippie myself, I'm really fascinated by anything that has to with wars, and a lot of people on here seemed to have some great stories about their uncles and grandfathers and whatnot. I'll kick things off:
So my grandma's brother (my grand uncle?) was the Norwegian champion at 100m and 200m sprint (claim) right before and during WWII, and after the invasion of Norway the Germans wanted to get rid of any celebrities that could encourage the people to fight back or whatever, so they pretty much arrested anyone famous who wasn't a self-proclaimed Nazi. Obviously my great uncle had to get the hell outta here, so he set up a deal with this guy who had a rep' for getting people over to Sweden by boat. So he goes down to the harbor of Oslo, meets up with this dude, and they set of towards the boarder. When they get close, this guy tells my grand uncle to go hide underneath the deck of this tiny vessel, but the only thing he has for cover is a thin curtain. He crawls in behind it, and soon after, as expected, they get stopped by the German marine, and some dude jumps on board to control the ship. Luckily this human-smuggler type is a real pro, so he plays it cool and invites the German down below deck for a drink. So they're sitting there, inches from my grand-uncle's face, just chillin' and having a good time. Turns out this German guy wasn't to interested in this whole war business, so when they're done he goes: "Okay, everything looks good, have a nice day." My grand uncle get's to Sweden, then goes to Great Britain, enlists himself in the Navy and serves on a sub as a radar operator, looking out for torpedoes and mines and schtuff. They kick German ass and all ends well.