Yea, sporegasm I think it was who said the penis on the cover of the little mermaid. The priest at the end of that movie also has a boner, but they say it's his knee. And in the lion king it says 'sex' in the clouds a couple times. Also, when the hienyas (sp) are marching in the cave they are marching like the nazis did and there's a swastika (another sp) in the backround. Walt Disney fought for Hitler at some point in his life too. In Alice in Wonderland, I think it's the catepillar, is smoking a hookah with Opium because the person who wrote Alice in Wonderland was addicted to Opium. Lewis Carrol I think it was, and that movie/book was not made for children. It's actually making fun of the British government. There's a lot more but I'm too lazy to type them out.