Originally Posted by Peter Franzen
I could be mistaken, but I thought that Barry Green had absolutely 100% confirmed that 1080 @ 60p was in the final feature set for the AF100.
The early specs indicated 60i only, but there have been plenty of sighs of relief that it will be 60p. Most if not all of the people I know who are interested in the AF100 are looking at it because of that capability, which is lacking on almost everything else in this price range. I am also going to be in line for a Scarlet when they are released (hopefully an S35, but it depends on how much longer we will have to wait after the fixed), but we plan on buying an AF100 this year; I have no doubt that it will pay for itself quickly, and there is no sense in continuing to be frustrated with dSLRs while the wait for the Scarlet continues.
[edit] Aha, here we go. This is from Barry on DVXUser:
"The absolute guaranteed last word on this is: it is full legitimate 1080/60p at the full res. I asked the engineers this question specifically, to find out if it was something like an uprezzed 720 or something, and they said no -- it's the full-fledged real deal. 1080/60p at full res."
The 1080p 60fps mode is only for slow-motion VFR within 1080p24 and 1080p30.
It isn't really a 1080p60 mode, though you could try shooting 60fps VFR at 30p and then conform it to 60p in post. You would have to record the sound to an external recorder though, because there's no audio in the VFR modes.
Alex G. Cohn