i just recently pickled up a sponsor. heres my best advice.
first, theylook at things such as competition results, filming, style, and your overall ability to help promote their business. mostly every big name skiier starts with a shop sponsor. Shop employees, owners, and marketers are business people. They give a shit about how "AWESOME" your bag of tricks is... They want to know how you're "Awesome" bag of tricks are going to get thier shop name out there, represent it well, and bring people into the store for one reason.... TO MAKE SALES (i.e. MONEY!)
You'll need a legit plan on how you're going to do that. The edit will help showcase your skills but without a plan on how you're going to make them MONEY, the most you'll get is some free shop tees and stickers to hand out to friends.
MAKE A PLAN and then FOLLOW THROUGH with it. These shops and thier buyers will turn you onto and hook you up with the company reps that actually offer sponsorships, make videos, and can hopefully one-day PAY YOU as a PRO.
best of luck.