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What to do with extra glassware?
Posts: 3357
Karma: 294
alright so awhile back i bought this little bong. its pretty sweet, hit good, and was fun to keep in my car. ive had it for about a year now and i have kind of stopped using it. ya know bongs arnt party pieces. so anyway, im trying to get rid of it and i dont really know what to do. i know sell it if i can but i mean if i cant sell it. give it away?burry it in the woods? bring it to the mountain and put it in the woods somewhere? smash it?!?! i have no idea. help!
Posts: 4059
Karma: 67
Posts: 2969
Karma: 87
you could send it my way, i could really use a car bong.
Posts: 2349
Karma: 165
give it to a friend. theres always someone who could use a new piece.
Posts: 3357
Karma: 294
but really no one will just take it. i asked literally everyone in my school.
Posts: 7228
Karma: 609
Posts: 3357
Karma: 294
i could give it to a nser...... person with closest adress gets it. go!
Posts: 7618
Karma: 4,727
post pics of it. if i approve, i will pay for shipping and you can give it to me. of course, this is after it is completely spotless so you aren't mailing contraband across state lines.
Posts: 2587
Karma: 2,463
stash it at the mountian.
and ps i cant believe you kept a bong in your car, it just seems like begging for trouble.
Posts: 97
Karma: 35
You keep a bong in your car...very intelligent.
Posts: 7228
Karma: 609
Posts: 3357
Karma: 294
it was fit into a cut out hole in my rear seat.
stashing it at the mountain seems like better plan than shipping it somewhere..
Posts: 827
Karma: 39
trade it in for a new bong
Posts: 3613
Karma: 125
stupid thread is fucking stupid
Posts: 4059
Karma: 67
find a smoke shack at your mountain and leave it there for everyone to enjoy that day until it gets taken.
Posts: 3640
Karma: 24
Which would be the first time anyone discovers it, unless you put a note on the table or on it or something saying that it's the resident glass and to leave it there for every time anyone wants to burn
Posts: 9894
Karma: 3,585
leave it for when you ski. in like your ski bag or something
Posts: 1128
Karma: 230
Since the water would never get changed, it would get all thick and filthy, and that's if somehow it didn't freeze.
I say climb a mountain, hit one last bowl, leave it at the summit and then ski down.
Posts: 2587
Karma: 2,463
or dont leave water in it, just keep a water bottle in your pack, pour some in when you get there, toke, empty, and ski away high as balls.
Posts: 4731
Karma: 3,017
geo cache it at a mountain and post up the coordinates on here.
Posts: 6387
Karma: 1,615
put it somewhere clever where others cant reach
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