As an introduction word just some general info about the b2r.
Born to Ride is a new freeski brand from Poland focused on European market. They offer high quality handmade skis with interesting design and pretty cool graphics. Products are available to buy in Austria, Germany, Italy, France, Poland, Norway, Sweden and Finland. I know that guys are trying to find some dealers in US as well. For more information please visit the official website: [url][/url]
I would like to focus on definitely the most interesting product in b2r range i.e. Red Hot. The producer describes them as massive functional backcountry skis created for full of passion ride in wild mountains. Indeed Red Hot feels best in big mountains and deep snow. But let me start from the beginning.
Ski construction: double rocker flat camber, wood core (ash and poplar) double sandwich, ABS sidewalls, shock absorber, fast and durable base.
Ski specification: Red hot comes in three sizes 176 (r.19m), 186 (r.20m) and 194 (r.23m). Sidecut: 157-122-147. Weight 4.56 kg in 186.
Skier: 183 cm, 65 kg – I think I enjoy the most skiing trees, pillows and really deep stuff. I like going fast but would not call myself a very hard charger. I rather find the mountains as the big playground and I love to explore them in every possible way. I ski on Red Hot 186cm.
So first of all I have to write that Red Hot is a lot fun of ski. It is definitely the ski for the deepest days. With 120 mm under foot and rocker in tip and tail this ski basically kills it in powder snow. Due to the size I have never had an issues with sinking tip. Red Hot just keeps you on the surface even when you are going really slowly. It takes only a moment to start floating. I skied some camber – rocker skis before and was a big fan of that construction. Therefore I had some worries how flat camber, double rocker b2r boards will perform in variable conditions, especially having in mind how some similar skis I used to test were underperforming out of the untracked pow. And Red Hot shocked me positively in this aspect. I was very surprise how versatile the ski is and how many kinds of snow and terrain this ski can hold to. The reason for that fact I find in a shape construction, mid-stiff flex and relatively big sidecut. Now let me explain what this ski does. The time I got sometime late in March we were lacking fresh snow, so desperately seeking for some leftovers I went for some trees. I was lucky still to find some powder. And I was really amazed by what this ski can do in the forest. Red Hot due to the flat camber and pretty decent rocker is very pivoty and allows you to make turns really fast with minimal effort. Overall quick, feel very light and easy to control – so perfect deal for what you are looking for in trees.
Surprisingly in April we got some snowstorm so I was stoked to try the ski in more open spots. This is where I had definitely the most fun. The ski likes to be put on the edge and make a nice 20 meters radius turn. It likes to go fast as well. Red Hot is very stable at high speed and at landing airs. It felt very comfortable and I had an impression that I could go faster and shred harder. But above all what I enjoy the most is that the ski suits different skiing styles and allows exploring the entire mountain. Trees, pillows, steep and open terrain. As long as you ski powder you will have tons of fun on that ski. And even though everyone know that deeper is better, big surface under foot provides the floating even in only couple of inches of fresh pow, which is pretty sweet I think. Finally Red Hot is for BC kickers fans. The only thing I can say is that landing switch on that ski is just so easy.
I am not going to write a lot about how the ski handle different conditions. This ski is good at that. I would even say very good and personally I would ski it almost every day even in the spring either chilling with my friends on slope or in slushy snow. I would butter, ski switch or just go as fast as possible to get to the base. But that’s only me. Red Hot will bring you to the lift, hold on groomers and slash through crud with no tail or nose flap. Eventually you can even bring it on ice and you still won’t be disappointed. But the thing is that this ski is designed for deep powder and that’s the place where it performs the best. It’s literally “massive functional backcountry ski” so if you are looking for a fatty that kills it in trees, pillows, deep powder and on BC kicker, I think you can’t go wrong with Red Hot. And by the way, the graphic blows my mind. In my opinion very quality product and sweet alternative to pricy made in china that we get so much nowadays.
pics - top, base, profile, tip and tail rocker

some videos to show the ski in action
[vimeo]16610125[/vimeo] two days in mid April on Red Hot
[url][/url] - french b2r team
Don't really know if that's the right place to post the review. I tried to put it in the gear review section, but it didnt work out very well and anyways it doesn't look like anyone is actually looking over there.
So that's it. Peace !