Need some parts for my car so these need to go. PIcs will be posted upon interest / request. All prices are OBO and DO NOT include shipping.
Modern Warfare 2 for Xbox - 25$
Fable 2 for Xbox - 15$
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - 15$
Large lite green coumbia pants: big ( I'm 6'3"), a few rail stains, few rips, very waterproof - 50$
XL orange forum jacket: sizes regular, pretty clean, very very warm - 50$
155cm Rossi Scratches: All edges and bases are in decent shape, selling for a friend -70$
2008 Suzuki 125cc 4 stroke: Great bike, reliable, located outside of Rochester, NY - 1700$
Remz OS2: size 12, everything is in great shape, includes frames and new wheels - 110$
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