I was fortunate enough to have the ability to be enough of a smartass to entice gear companies to let us do a gear test. But as first drop backed out it seemed like my test was ruined. We did the best we could and my friends enjoyed using the suits for free.
At this point any relavance of last years products has been dismissed from your minds. There is not much to report when it comes to outerwear and i am a very busy man. So maybe our first year wasn't the greatest.
We are still open to submitted reviews if anyone has reviews.
But down to the thread, I want to give away the LDC suit to a newschooler in need. I gave the trew suit to a friend to keep it around and might pawn the saga suit.
First off I need Ideas of how to give the suit away. Im even going to pay shipping.
visiting the site wont hurt your chances either, send in the ideas, and lets get this to someone who deserves it.