Want to sell some skis that I havesitting around. Not looking to get a ton out of them, but thought I wouldpost them here. The prices quoted are for locals only. If you arenot in Utah feel free to P.M. me but the price might not be the same as what Ihave listed here.
173 Surface Watch Life
Bases have basically no problems, maybe a few small scratches. 1 littleknick underfoot that I can fill with p-tex before I give them to you. NoDelams. 2 hairline cracks in the edge underfoot on 1 of the skis. All other edges look almost brand new. Ski is basically just tooshort and too soft for my liking. This ski is in good enough shape to bea park ski. Thinking $80 SHIPPED ANYWHERE IN THE US WITHOUT BINDINGS....obo. Have only had onemount, mounted at 318 BSL.
-----171 Line Anthem Wolves-----
This ski has been mounted 1.5 times. It was first mounted with a lookpivot jib binding, second with a Look PX binding..so it used the same toe holesand different heel holes. The top sheet got destroyed in one partfrom doing too many hippy killers. The flex is not as poppy as it oncewas. 3 very very very small hairline cracks in the edge underfoot...also...theedge on one of the skis is dulled to the point that it has like a 60 degreeangle from the base..but totally still in tact. I could sharpen the edgeup if someone wants me to, but the edge would likely be thinner in that spotdue to how dull it is now. Would make a perfect urban ski. Tip wasat one time delaminated, but I fixed it last year and there is no sign that itis going to break open again any time soon. Slow Cure epoxy fixes things upreally well. Thinking $70 SHIPPED ANYWHERE IN THE US...obo. Most current mount was with a 316 BSL. The Pivot Jib mount was obviously something much shorter.
in this last picture you can seetowards the edge that starts to go out of focus in the picture that the edge isbeveled a ton.
-----191 Armada ANT-----
These are 2007 191 Ants. The graphicof the creepy dude smoking on the tip. These have not been skied aton, but have been mounted 3 times. However, if you have one of the bindingsthat the ski has been mounted for, that should not be a big deal.
They are currently mounted with a PX15 binding. They have only been skied onwith this setup 5 or 6 times. Too many skis means this one never getsskied. They used to be mounted with Dukes. I think they were larges,but I will have to check. Last skier bought them slightly used from a guy. Hebought them because he thought he would love anything with the Armada logo onthem. It turns out this ski was kind of a little much for his liking.
I don't know much about the first owner, but it seems to me that they were notthrashed at all when he was done with them. I am pretty sure he had themmounted with Fritschis, but I will need to verify that. To myknowledge the ski never had any core shots or anything, but I will look at thebases more closely tonight. These are not my skis, they are my brother-in-laws,and he really just wants a little cash for them and asked me to post themup.
$150 SHIPPED ANYWHERE IN THE US- This sale would be flat without the binding. ... obo
-----174 Rossignol Steeze w/PX12 jib binding. -----
Pretty good shape. $250 SHIPPED ANYWHERE IN THE US...obo. Ski really is in good shape despite what the description might lead you to believe. Just trying to be as straightforward and honest as I can.
There was a giant core shot in thisski near the end of last season. I cleaned it out really well, but most of thebase was still hanging from the ski. As an experiment I used p-tex and foldedthe base back over into its scratch. The core shot was only about 5mm wide butclose to 25cm long. There are a few little spots that could use some touch upwork and I can touch them up before I ship the ski, but I can't guarantee thatthe job I did is going to hold, as I have not had a ski with that much basefrom a core shot still hanging from the ski before, as I said, the repair wasexperimental, but if it doesn't hold it will be an easy fix. The core shotnever went through the fiberglass.
Top sheet has a few chips, as you can see, none of them are very big ornoticeable. The bindings are the Px 12 Jib binding. Very colorful tomatch the ski . These were my little brothers skis, so they haven't reallybeen used by anyone over 140lbs. He has now outgrown them.
I really don't want to split theskis from the bindings on this one, but will consider doing so if the rightoffer comes in. .
White RossignolAxial2 150.
After some use the binding is somewhat wobbly on the track. I understand,however, that this happens to alot Rossi/Look bindings (besides Pivot/FKS) inthe full metal variety. It is not as noticeable once you are clipped in, justnoticeable while you are carrying the ski. Someone else can chime in on thisissue of they know more.
This shows the wobbly part on the PX15's. I also clip a boot into it so you cansee how the binding wobble stops. The squeeking you hear is the sound of theliner when I used it to move the entire boot. Any other movement is just due tothe fact that Dalbello doesnt' interface with any binding as cleanly as itprobably should. I did notice that if you have the forward pressure set fairlyloose it will still wobble, so hopefully when it is not wobbling the forwardpressure is not set too high or something...I would appreciate it if anyonethat knows what the deal is with this binding wobble if they would please chimein.
ski has been sold so I am just trying to sell the bindings.