So about 3 weeks ago I fell longboarding ( speed wobble ) jumped with one foot and tweaked my knee real real real bad.
It was burning for at least 5 minutes, shit was painfull as fuck.Then I could walk on it fine for the rest of the day. I took of my pants to take a shower later and when I tried to put them back on it wouldnt fit. My knee was HUGE.
We went to the hospital and since it was too big they couldnt see anything on the xrays so they just sent me back home with some painkillers.
The following 4-5 days I could barelly walk on it , it hurts so much. After a week I went to get it cheked out again, doctor told me I def did something to my ligaments, just wasnt sure what. He wouldnt let me do an mri because in canada , if you get one threw a private clinic it takes 2 months to get results.So he told me that the pain was probably caused by the blood that was stuck in there. He also told me to stretch it a lot , even tho it hurted , put some ice and get it moving.
1 week after I started to walk on it, even tho it hurted. I was leaving for colorado that same week so I decided to go jump on some tramps and see how it was feeling. my plane tickets were non refundable anyway.
It felt very weird when i jumped ( I didnt try any tricks, just wanted to try and see if it would hurt after hitting a rail or something ) . My leg was kinda like moving side to side.
I had a hard time walking the next day but then it was fine. I left for colorado , shreded and then the blood was all the way down to my ankle the first day, it was horrible. I only skied a few days but since I got back here its been really really painfull.
If I decide to get an mri, I will have to pay 600$ in order to get my result in 2 weeks. Im kinda fucked.