i assume this post is based mostly on the media's role in instilling fear within america. and i agree, no one can deny the distortion that they openly create, afterall 'what bleeds leads.' in addition to that there is a strong relationship between the media and the coporations that support them via advertisement. take for example osteoporosis, something that clearly exists and is something that should be taken seriously. there have been a number of studies in the last 8 or so years in relation to concerns over osteoperosis. however, who shoves the reminders down your throat? the dairy farmers of america. 3 glasses a day remember. there are just as many studies that suggest that the chemicals and bacteria in milk are consequently more harmful than beneficial. whether you believe that milk is healthy or not, you cannot deny the fact that dairy farmers advertise fully knowing that they will profit heavily from suggesting that their product will save anyone from osteoperosis. in another example, take a great majority of the cleaning products you can find in any grocery store. we have all seen the endless number of news segments supporting the regular use of clorox this and that, mildew scum cleaners, wipes, sprays, etc. i do not know the exact date that human beings domesticated chickens, i would probably estimate somewhere in the late neolithic age, perhaps the bronze age? in any case human beings have eaten poultry for thousands upon thousands of years. no doubt an enormous number of people have died from salmonella (i can't be bothered with the actual correct spelling) - assuming that salmonella came into existence at least by the same time that chickens were domesticated. in any case an enormously higher majority of people have survived eons of chicken breasts, legs and thighs. does salmonella exist? yes it does. do people catch it and die from it? yes they do, but they are an infantescimal number in comparison to those that eat chicken and do not. sanitation products do wipe out a majority of opportunities to contract microorganisms, however they are just not that necessary. i live with 4 girls, once some chicken juice somehow got out of my packaged chicken breasts and spilled in the fridge. they fuckin flipped their shit. it was almost 5 months ago and i still hear crap about it. all of them are firmly convinced that i am going to die of salmonella. yet my mother never used any of that clorox shit in all the 21 years that i have been alive and neither me nor my entire family have ever gotten salmonella. my point is, most people don't question the barrage of media supported product advertisments on television. ask anyone in advertisment what you need to know best to be successful (in advetising) and they will quickly tell you, 'being able to convince the person that they need your product - even if they have no use for it.' most of you question the legitimacy of products like ab crunchers and extenze pills that are advertised in the informercials that plague late night television. why aren't the commercials advertised during daytime and in primetime held to the same standards. just because the product markets and the corporations that support them are firmly established, does not mean that there is a neccessity for them. i dunno, just think about. we don't keep antibacterial soap next to our sinks and i would bet my two balls that i don't get sick any more often than the next sucker.
the only girl i've ever loved was born with roses in her eyes. but then they buried her alive one evening in 1945 with just her sister at her side and only weeks before the guns all came and rained on everyone. now she's a little boy in spain playing pianos filled with flames on empty rings around the sun.