Can someone please tell me why people log onto -- A FreeSKIING Community and post threads whos main purpose is to get the point across that skiing is not cool and members of this FreeSKIING community go along with it?
I live in Dirty Jersey. I curse... a lot. I say -yo- and I say it often. I sure as hell dont pump my own gas. I know a bagel is much more than a fuckin roll with a hole in the middle. I judge people by what exit they live off the parkway. I can navigate a circle... with attitude. Two words-- mother fucker. I dont go to the beach, I go down the shore. I know that 65 mph really means 80. When someone cuts me off, they get the finger... and they expect it. I ride ice and i dont mind, 6 inches of snow is heaven for me. Im a Jersey Kid..
The New East Coast-