aight so the biggest issue is that your drawing what you think you know, not what see.
heres just a few examples. im not being a dick, im trying to help you see your mistakes. ill just point out a few, but maybe itll help you see the others and help you see them in drawing further down the line. im doing this cause you definitely show potential man. here we go...
i can guarantee you that shadow on his leg doesnt lay that flat, or that the hay bail is only dark in that bottom left corner.
his left hip kinda rounds outward awkwardly and his left leg curves strangely. his right arm is really short. that should address SOME of the awkwardness someone stated.
the other big thing that any Drawing 1 teacher will hammer into your head is "darker darks." generally speaking there shouldn't be any spot on the page untouched by pigment. and the darkest mark you made is probably at the level where most of your midtones should be. this is almost impossible to achieve with just your standard HB pencil.
feel free to pm me if you see any value in what i have to say. goodluck and keep it up man!