this is regarding the pay it forward thread. but lets step back a bit, i had a DC jacket, but my brother stole it and went to college. so i saw Brenone put one up on the "Pay it forward thread" so naturally i grabbed it sense it was there, because i actually needed it. recently i have been tryin to sell all of these hoodies and shirts that are too small for me or i dont like to get money for the jiberish drop (only have one jiberish shirt and was excited to buy something worth while.)
so the jacket came today and in my selling frenzy i put it on Ebay using the logic of: an insulated jiberish hoodie is just the same as a volcom jacket in eh conditions i ride in. well after he said something it kinda makes sense too why he thinks it was a dick move (and it actually was.)
Sparknotes: i got free jacket (provided by brenone in pay it forward thread), then tried too sell it for jiberish.