What a horrible thread.
You should be getting on here saying "Wow, I am so blessed that I get to play super hard and seem to avoid injury while other around me seem to have it worse." What cracks me up about your statements it that you are making claims on yourself and against others that are totally beyond your or there control. That is like being annoyed because other people get hit by drunk drivers and you don't. Could you imagine saying that? "Man, what is with people getting hit by drunk drivers? I drive 5 hours a day around town and I've never been hit? What is with people being so stupid and getting hit?" That is about how absurd your post sounds.
And just for the record, I never had an injury until I was 20 and I used to think the same thing. I even got a bruised heart from getting hit so hard (true story) and was back playing a week later. But I sure didnt give the guy a hard time who has an ankle injury and missed three weeks for being "frail". Sheesh. I am disgusted.