Hey people
I've lately been thinking about starting filming a bit more, so now i wanna get something better than just a digital camera or a cell for recording. I'm not looking for anything big and advanced tho.
I would like to shoot in HD at a high resolution and at the same time at 60p because slow-mo is important. The camera has to be pretty tough/ water resistant as well so it doesn't die because of a little snow.
I would like also to shoot other stuff than just skiing with the camera, so a lot of random shit as well.. "chug life"-like maybe.
Now i can't decide whether i should go with
- Kodak, either the Zx1 or the Playsport, which are both very handy and shoot pretty good quality.
- GoPro which looks awesome, but might only be good for the skiing shots and not so much for the random shit, plus it has no LCD-screen..
- Panasonic Sdr-sw21, which is really tough and really easy to use, but not great picture and color quality apparently..
Hope you guys have some hints, advice or other suggestions, cus I AM BEWILDERED -Thanks!