Don´t believe that... I lived in Austria last season and you can find accomodation in a city like innsbruck (which have more than 7 resorts in 20 minutes of driving, and all with public transport) for maybe like 200-300 euros each month, a room with all the costs included (water, internet, light...). And there´s a pass for 80 resorts, more than 4300km of ski slopes of the Tirol region that last year was 433€, I don´t know this year...
That´s the better thing i think... buy if you are going to stay for less time, you could look the Young accomodation places, where you can live for 14€ per day, in a room with more people, and with kitchen and bathrooms... But that should be just for some days, not for the whole season....
Sorry for my english.....