Looking for cash, will accept offers, but they should be really close to what i am asking. Paypal or something else. The only thing I am willing to trade for is a DSLR or manual film camera. My reputation as a seller is spotless and I can provide more verification if necessary. You pay shipping.
Macbook: 13" screen, 2.16ghz Intel core2duo processor, 2gigs ram, 80gig HD
I have used this for the past two years and it has been great. Recently upgraded to a MBP so its up for sale. I can clean her off also. Some small pieces chipped off of the side. I'm pricing it at almost what i could get on ebay for her. $475
EP Pros: 185cm, bestest of powder skis. Mounted once. One very small edge compaction which i skied for a good 10 more days after getting and does not effect ski what so ever. Also one small shot in the base which has been professionally fixed. Looking for at least 300.
IPOD TOUCH: Used literally two times, got it with a new computer. Its the newest slim kind.
8gigs. $170
Pics available upon request.