I haven't been paying attention to this year's crop of new skis like I used to. I recently broke up with my long time girlfriend, who moved out and is moving to DC (from California). I am depressed, sad, and need something new. Here is the thing, I am looking for a specific ski for my quiver. I have lots of skis, and probably a ski that fits every niche in some way. I will probably be replacing one of my skis. I used to ski park, but since I blew my knee out, I shouldn't ski it as much. Probably a little bit here and there.
Here is a list of the (twin tip) skis I ride at least once a year, and purpose:
189 Hellbents, Powder, all mountain at mammoth and bachelor
183 Volkl Goats (older white ones), sunny day shred machines.
180 ninthward firstbloods early season/late season/park
178 ninthward rory's early season/late season/park/mild-powder day
What I am looking for is a replacement for one of the ninthwards. I actually really like both of the skis, and think they ski great, I just want something a little different.
What I am looking for is a ski probably 90-105/110(maybe) underfoot, full twin, tip and tail rocker. I want this to be my standard every day ski. My average day includes a little park (nothing bigger than 540, maybe a few rails), a little side stash powder, some groomers, some dicking around, and a lot of beer.
My thoughts so far include:
ON3P jeronemo
k2 domain
I like skiing switch a lot, so I want tip to tail ratios to be ~ 1, though I don't mind the tail being a little skinnier.
Any suggestions is appreciated!