I'll tell you what skiing needs.
It needs ski manufacturers that are innovative, brilliant, and have a clear idea of their target market.
What it doesn't need is another half-assed operation querying teenagers who don't have a fucking clue about ski design/building about what kind of "shred sticks they want, bros!?".
Here's a novel idea: Come up with your own dimensions, flex patterns, topsheet designs, etc., based on the kind of skiers you'd like to sell skis to, or based on the kind of skiing you like to do. Make a product that is of such a quality that IT tells skiers what kind of skis they want, not the other way around.
I'll sum up what people will say in this thread: Long ones, short ones, skinny ones, fat ones, soft ones, stiff ones, cambered ones, decambered ones, early rise, not, swallow tail, not, bright colored crazy ones, simple classy ones. See what I'm getting at? There's no universal truths in ski building...except maybe using quality and durable materials.
"Market research" is essential, throwing up a thread with awful grammar, that will literally accomplish nothing, will probably do nothing other than raise doubts about your professionalism.
Have you worked for a ski manufacturer? Are you a ski tech? What makes you particularly qualified to start a ski company?
And, as far as the green thing...holy fuck. "Green" is 99% of the time a lousy, disingenuous, attempt to pander to idiots via marketing. To truly produce "green" skis, I would imagine the cost would be absurdly un-cost effective—especially for an upstart company with little to no financial means. I'd like to see actual proof of "greenness". A lot of companies claim it, few live it.
I know this sounds overly negative and cynical, but come on...another am ski maker...making threads on ns....I feel like every shithead on here is an "entrepreneur". Make a quality product and prove me wrong, and I'll be the first to buy a pair and recommend them. I just have very low expectations for a company that is relying on this sort of input to make design choices. What about YOUR vision?