Funniest moment of my life happened when...
Okay so theres this kid named russell.. russell is not the smartest kid alive, clumsy, and is kind of a tool. so it was a cold fall day, we were out for recess, and me and a group of around 10 friends noticed there was a sewer lid missing over a sewer.. so all recess we are just talking around it, hoping someone will come along and fall in..
Russell comes walking down the yard, wearing his brand new, white caddilac sweater. Someone yells ESCOLADE!!, and russell starts showing off his sweater, completely oblivious that theres an open sewer right infront of him. Russell falls into the sewer, his head goes under, jumps out, has huge gashes from the rim of the sewer and sprints to the office.
funniest moment of my life, possibly a "should have been there story" but i think its worth sharing.