I typed a response to this thread....the gist of it being that I was pleased with the winners....other than Gus. Because I wasn't logged in,...or something....when I clicked to post, my words were lost.
I voted for 3 of the 4 winners....I would have rather seen Gus's bib go to Sean, Dale, Tim, Karl, or one of the other couple anonymous Euro, but I think Gus will do well and could easily finish top 8 if he's on his game...especially if he does that dub grab cork 9, or dub rodeo 9 like he did in his entry.
Part of my post was: "inb4" some droolingly stupid moron claims that I'm hating on Gus for not wearing big outerwear."
This site is too predictable.
When people bring up issues with Gus's skiing, from an aesthetic perspective, why do people automatically think it has anything to do with his clothing?
Whether or not Gus has good "style" is obviously entirely subjective, but when people say they aren't fans, bringing fucking jackets into the discussion is laughable.