So my bed is setup where there is a shelf next to it, and on the other side is a set of stairs.
Sometimes I get like these night terror things where I wake up all delusional and I can hear really loud noises in my ear that aren't there, and when I try to talk its all quiet and shit until the noises leave.
(You'll need to know this to follow the story).
Anyways, last night I fall asleep at around 1am. I left my hat next to my head but on the shelf. On the other side of where I left my hat is like right near the end of the stairs. Probably about 10 feet down.
So I'm sleeping, I remember having this dream about zombies gets to a fucked up part and I fucking night terror. So I'm like hearing this shit, I'm delusional, not sure whats going on really but I see this fucking zombie looking person standing at the end of my bed. So I'm like Fuck. And then I like blink or some shit (I have no idea) And its gone.
So then I decide it wasn't srsly there and go back to sleep.
About an hour later I get another fucking night terror (I haven't had these since like last year). And I see like this fucking top of a person on the other side of the stairs.
The place where he's standing makes no sense for a person to stand because to be like that fucking taller then the rail but standing on the stairs you'd have to be like ridiculously fucking tall.
So here I am again, all delusional, really loud noises that aren't there, can't even talk. And this fucking tall ass figure like reaches his arm over and hits my leg. And to reach how far he did his arms would have to also be long as fuck. So I'm like holy fuck what??? And then I look back and its fucking gone.
So after about half an hour of me convincing myself there was no fucking tall ass zombie looking person who hit my leg I go back to sleep.
I wake up, can't find my hat anywhere and don't even think about what happened the night before cause I'm tired and barely even remember what went down, so I just go to school without it.
I get home today, look everywhere, and its fucking gone??? That fucking tall dude was like right by it too, and he couldv'e easily taken my hat from where he was.
So clifnotes for all you lazy assholes:
Fell asleep. Fucking slenderman broke into my house and stole my fucking hat.