honestly i think people should be able to fuck whatever the hell they want, your sister, mom, dog, tree, whatever... we make such a fucking big deal out of who and what people stick their dicks in. its like outlawing who you give high 5's to. its such a ridiculous thing to care about. it doesn't hurt anyone, and it makes people happy. obviously rape is different, but violently forcing anyone to do anything is wrong, and thats a different matter.
we need to be like animals, where we just see something fuck it, and move on.
the actual act of sex doesnt hurt anyone, its our society's "rules" that cause any harm. us making such a huge deal out of a completely natural and regular act creates these negative outcomes that normally wouldnt even exist.
now that being said, they really cannot be considered equal to heterosexuality, because they simply arent, humans as well as every other species would not exist if homosexuality was the norm. and for this reason i gotta say that Big-Spence has a point. its taking marriage, and turning it into something else. marriage isnt what it used to be, and legalizing same sex marriage would only make this worse. its just hard for me to think of a man and a man in the definition of marriage. i could really care less about marriage and all that, if they legalized gay marriage i wouldnt have any feelings one way or the other. im just saying that there is a somewhat good argument against it.
i would be completely fine with it if they came up with something that gives gay couples all the rights of a straight couple. but just not calling it marriage, and it not being related to religion i guess.