A welcome to all NSers....
I miss the Jibyard so much that I had to take a piece of it with me with my new gig... Gotta love the look of dead trees, junkyard, and graffiti... We had a couple of concerts back in September to test things out, and it will be officially opening in December...
I have designed it so that the liquor-Bar area is in the same room but separate so that all ages can come enjoy the fights and concert... I felt bad so many couldnt come to the Jibyard's Dew Tour party last year so I fixed it...
I will have the Scrapyard Facebook Page and website up soon, so until then just friend request me on facebook...
Can't wait for all of you to see the Scrapyard Girls... MY GOD!!!!
Anyone who knows me, knows how good I am at throwing one Hell Of A Party.... I hope to all of you there, and I will never give up on bringing the Jibyard back one day....
Thanks again from the bottom of my heart for all your support,
Brad Geiger