Ok so i majorly and hilariously cussed out this ugly bitch on facebook after she said she wasn't a virgin. She flipped a bitch and told her daddy. I am chilling in my casa then her dad who isl ike 7 feet tall, 250 pounds, and fucking ripped pounds on my door and proceeds to give me the scariest speech of my life in a voice that could be heard from 100 yards away at a rager of a party. Tonight i was at a football game where said ugly bitch was cheerleading. they all threw out t-shirts which alot of people threw back. Later that night the ugly bitch mentioned above came up to me and started yelling at me that she saw that i was the one throwing the shirts back (I didn't even touch one of these shirts) and that because of me they could no longer throw out shirts. Sooo tommorow i will most likley be payed a visit by her body building mustche wearing hulk of a dad. My question is how should i answer the door. I was thinking of tipping over a couch like 10 feet from door and sticking my head up wearing a army helmet and pointing a gun at him as he opens the door. (after i say come in). So how shud i make this experience effing hilarious?