I just wanted to post up the dates and times for the world premier of Shadow Puppet Production's new film, "Wherever You're Going" along with the showings for Voleurz' film, "Look on the Bright Side."
Our showing will be on Tuesday, Oct. 26 at 7:00pm in the Western State Ballroom.
$3 to enter.
***Loads of giveaways**
"Look on the Bright Side" will follow and will be free to enter.
**more free stuff**
Our film showcases The Shadow Puppet Collective's travels and adventures throughout last season.
Matt Mulligan, Cedar Jocks, David Van Atta, Ben Southworth, and friends.
We will then do another dual premier In Crested Butte at the Brick Oven at 7pm.
It is going to be a real fun showing and there will be a great after party which will be announced at the show.
I hope to see everyone in the Gunni/CB area show up and get stoked!
P.S. it is snowing in the Gunni Valley right now if you all didn't know.
Be fun,
Have Safe,
and Get Down!
-The Shadow Puppet Collective