Does anyone else on here visit Reddit?
I used to be a big fan of Digg and than it got really shitty with the new upgrades they did and I had been hearing about Reddit so I went to it and it is really sick.
The only way I could describe it is as a forum of user voted content. People vote stories/pictures to the front page but there are also different subreddits that act as a kind of forum.
My two favorite sub reddits:
Rage comics (hilarious):
Trees (Weed but an awesome community):
Also pics is pretty sick too and they have some really awesome/funny pictures:
And of course a link to the homepage:
But my username is Assum09 if anyone else has an account or if you make one.
They are a bunch of different subreddits and I am sure you will find something you enjoy and usually the front page has some really interesting stories.
Hope you enjoy!