Wait! It's o.k...it's just a Red Bull SnowWarz jersey.
Anyway, title says it all.
- I have PERFECT feedback, and have bought and sold a lot. Check it.
- US shipping only.
- PayPal only.
- Trades: would trade Asyms for Icons (new, low-key colors). Also interested in anything classy - I'm old now and need to get my grown man on. Sunglasses, watches, and dressier clothes apply.
-XXL Liquid Swords - 8.5/10 - not shrunk - clean. $75 shipped obo
-Skullcandy Asyms - like new - worn once - $18 shipped or trade for Icons
-RedBull Snowwarz Jersey - great condition - BEST OFFER (trade or $)
-Jiberish is 31.5" front zip,
-Jersey is 24" chin to hem, 22" armpit to armpit - not huge, sorry front and back shown in pics - sort of dark camo color
- Asyms come with all parts and case.