2. Ship to USA, want it shipped somewhere else, pay extra then
3. PM me with your offers, i am open to negotiation
4. Accepting trades as well, just hit me up im in boulldderrr
5. No lowballs dog, be respectful to me and to NS BST
here we go... I NEED SKIS BY THE WAY
Rossignol Steeze 174cm
Have been skied probably 25 times. Base condition is perfect and only a couple topsheet chips. overall great condition 9/10. they are on their 1.5 mount with px12's (used 5 times, no brakes ) for a 307BSL mounted about -5 from center. Shoot me an offer
(let me know if u guys want more pics)

Line Invaders 2008 171cm
Been used for a full season. moderate topsheet damage but still together and have a lot of life. edges are all intact just pretty rusty and a little dirty just need to be tuned up. bases are also good, no major core shots. The black spot was a core shot but had repaired with p-tex right after it happened so its perfect now. skis seem to have a lot of life on them. still on their first mount.
mounted with dynastar px12 jibs at dead center for 307bsl.
shoot me offer pweeasze

New Jon Olsson Kombi Gloves size large. new with tags.. suuppperr comffyy
Offer up

XXL Jiberish Aristocrat. Like 8.5/10 Condish, everything works and whatnot no rips or bad stains at all. will also accept trades on this for other XL-XXXL Jiberish

Icons. offer

NS lanyards. oh yea so cool. offer.

stickers galore. offer. pm.

dope skullcandy backpack. bunch of cool compartments, and can hold a fair amount, but still sleek and smallish,

Scott Trevor goggles.. ill let go cheap offeerrr

oh and yes. dope ssx games. ps2 baby. and working.original SSX even has manual. and you may ask me why my name is sstricky? i dunno dog. but these are for sale yo.

I need skis by the the way.. ill accept trades for anything really... just hit me up.