So driving down to work at 6:50 pretty dark because i live in a canyon, and it just rained that night and when it rains rocks fall from the hill on the side of the road. So anyways io am following this suv and it swerves hits a good sized rock bigger than a basketball then it continues to roll underneath my car and now oil is leaking out like crazy so i pull off to the side and turn on my flashas. these 2 hunters stop to pick me up (no cell phone service), and as i go to get in his 12 pack of tecate falls out of the backseat onto the road, so we start chasing cans of tecate down the pretty steep road as a few cars drive past. It was interesting and after it all he gave me a good beer and said here for the car. Nice people kick ass.
sparknotes: Hit the undercarriage of my jeep while driving oil spilled out, people that picked me up at a 12 pack of tecate in the back that spilled out and we wwere chasing them down the road as cars drove by