to all of you who know the film Taxi Driver...
this movie has had a firm grip on its spot in my list of all time top 10 best films. if you haven't seen the movie i suggest you stop reading this and go rent it immediatly. forget meet the parents and ronin, you'll never be able to look at robert deniro in the same way again. no seriously, if you haven't seen it stop reading this, this post has to do with the very end of the movie and you don't want to go ruining it for yourself kiddo. that being said, i have been debating over the relevance/meaning of the very end of the film. after all the hero shit, hes in his cab and he sees something in his rearview mirror. he has this look of exclaimed shock. he reaches up and corrects the mirror and immediately reverts back to his original blank expression, he then drives on and the credits roll. what did he see??? i've come up with some wishywashy stabs and none seem to be surefire. suggestions? answers?
oh if you are curious what the other 10 are (in no particular order): 1.the thin red line, 2.baraka, 3.american beauty, 4.midnight cowboy, 5.citizen kane, 6.the city of lost children, 7.full metal jacket 8. pulp fiction 9. requiem for a dream (for its technical aspects)
the only girl i've ever loved was born with roses in her eyes. but then they buried her alive one evening in 1945 with just her sister at her side and only weeks before the guns all came and rained on everyone. now she's a little boy in spain playing pianos filled with flames on empty rings around the sun.