What's the deal with the season pass, worth shelling out an extra $130 for the tram pass or just do chairlift only?
Have buddies who are planning to ski parkcity so think they're looking for accom at Kimball junction. Know it's about 26mi to Snowbird so what's the deal with getting there busses etc? Hitching? Also is it possible to buy a night time only PC pass?
With accom is there any where that is good with people skiing at both Snowbird and PC?
Know Kimball is kinda too far from SB, but Cottonwood heights etc are $$ and further from PC...
To negate accom costs how much is a shitty car going to cost me? Only going to be there for 6 weeks? Not really worth it? What's insurance deal?
Anyone in SLC area planning on doing the Crested Bute, Telluride or Kirkwood comps?
Chur chur.