Hey guys this is me putting all my stuff into one sale.
First is a like new PS3 the 1st gen one and it's 80gb. Best offer on this start at like $175.
Next some brand new Smith I/O. Just got but want different color. Trades for white I/O. or other sick goggles. Otherwise $110 shipped.
Burton outerwear. Jacket is size XS but has a 32 inch zipper length. Almost perfect condition 8.5-9/10 used back when i wasnt pushing hard so it never got abused. Looking for $50 but offer up.
Pants. Probably 7/10 condition. Size small but fit me at 5' 9" just fine.
Yankees New Era sz 7 1/2. Good condition no stains or anything. OBO.
Zero Xpposure Jacket. Sz medium. A nice winter jacket for when your not skiing. I dont know where the liner in but it's somewhere. Give me $20 plus shipping and it's yours.
Armada Beanie. Used but still in good shape. $10 OBO.
Northface Hammerhead Backpack. Has it all hydration bladder and stuff. Great condition. Great little daypack for hiking. Holds a lot for it's size, and very comfertable. Pretty expensive new. Let's say $20.
Two pairs of gloves. The brown ones are Grenades and are sz medium. Used some last season still good condition 7-8/10. $75 new. $30 obo. And the red ones are Burton Spectres from last season. Used very few times great condition 8.5-9/10. $25 obo.
And lastly, a random purple flece vest. 25 inch zipper. Like new 9.99/10. Not wanting much. Maybe $10. First pic is what it looks like. Second one is the more acurate color.
Thanks. +k for bumps. Paypal prefered.