Some of your work I would consider to be alright, but most of it Im just not sure about. I can't figure out why you took the shot, or what you wanted to show us by posting the shot.
They seem excessively cluttered, and don't portray the normal as anything but.
Not sure why the flare testing shots are in there.
Fix your horizons.
Whats your obsession with security cameras? << Really though, answer that, I tend to take pictures of them, but never post them anywhere and can't figure out why I shoot them in the first place, but I continue.
One shot I did like was this.
By no means do I think your shots are bad shots, but more learning shots. It seems you've got the technical down, but your work is lacking the inspiration, the feeling, the you in them. Flowers wont every capture that, so challenge yourself not to shoot them for a little while.
And finally, milf. That is all.