I need to get a few things straight
1. Must pay with Paypal
2. Shipping not included. (Sorry dudes) cant afford it
3. I will ship when the payment arrives in Paypal
4. Other than that feel free to offer, prices arent set
To get things started, here are some of last seasons Rossi Freeride 120. Includes all hardware.
Asking $120
Head Mojo XP, Flex is 110-120 adjustable. boots to stiff for what I wanna start doing. Bought new last year and skied them all season. I took the footbeds out of them n lost them. (my bad)
Sad story with these babies. They have been mounted twice AND NEVER SKIED. I bought them from a buddy at the end of the season n never got a chance to use them. Bindings mounted were the Atomic EVOX, and I have some Dynastar PX12. Same thing as the Rossi Freeride120. Its center mounted, but has demo plates on the heel.
$400 (Im hoping to get what I have into it)
2008 Line Prophet 130 been mounted once, honestly cant remeber what they where. Theres a couple scratchs on the base but no core shots.