Replying to Macbook connectivity issue.
Hi all,
Before I pose the question I know that the best way to remedy this problem is to sell my current laptop and buy a macbook pro or imac however time and money are short.
I am trying to run FInal Cut Express 4 on my Macbook. The laptop has 4gb ram and 2.2 Ghz processor with the integrated intel graphics card. Many say that this is not enough power to run Final Cut properly but I have downloaded it and it seems to function ok.
My main problem is trying to find a decent way to crate a scratch disk rather than using the Mac HD.The new Macbooks don't have a firewire port and editing video from an external hard drive with 5400 rpm over usb 2.0 seems to be a little clunky.
I have heard of people editing HD footage on Macbooks so has anyone got any ideas on how I can remedy this problem? Different programs or perhaps some sort of firewire to usb adaptor?
Any help would be much appreciated.
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